Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where does the time go....

Seriously... where does it go?  I can't believe Summer is almost over... I guess starting a blog in the Summer was perhaps too ambitious... Sorry I haven't kept it up in a timely manner... I have to be honest and say though... I'm not sure this brief post really means I'm going to start posting more regularly... I'm still trying to decide what I want to do with this...  I need an outlet that allows me to write and collect my thoughts (sorry you have to be privy to that)... but I'm not sure if I want my name to be attached... honestly, you've seen some of my posts so far :-) 

Anyways, all that to say, I don't have any answers... I'll be checking in and posting as the spirit moves me... hopefully I'll have a plan come Fall :-) 

Enjoy the last rays of Summer sun, the smell of ocean air ( if you're lucky enough to be near that now)eat an extra piece of watermelon and use your last spritz of SUN-IN.*

Remember stay AWESOME! 

*only do this if you want your hair to feel and look like barbie doll hair...NOT recommended